Using cell references with multiple worksheets (lesson 24)

Excel allow us to use any cell as reference whether in the same sheet or in another sheet in worksheet. If you want to use cell as reference from another sheet we simply precede the cell name with sheet name followed by an exclamation mark (!)

Using previous Example :
 if we have the price of units in sheet2 and we use cell G2 (the price of unit in company A ) to calculate the total revenue in Sheet1

the function will simple be
=sheet2!$G$2 *B3

We need to use dollar sign to make G2 constant if we will auto fill feb. And March .

If we changed the name of sheet after we wrote the function it will change automatically 
To change the name of sheet, right click on the sheet name and click on Rename and then type the new name .

If the name sheet have spaces we have to include single quotation marks (' ') around the name
If we changed the name of sheet2 to unit price . we will write the function as

=' unit price'!$G$2 *B3

If we wrote the name of sheet incorrectly, an error will appear to indicate that your reference is wrong or not exist 
This error will appear as : #REF!

You can edit the function by double click on the cell or click on the box on the left side of cell and click on ‘Edit on formula bar ‘
