Excel Quiz 3

Excel MCQ Quiz :


1-Which function automatically totals a column or row of values?
          A)     TOTAL
          B)     ADD
          C)     SUM
          D)     AVG

2-Which function results can be displayed in AutoCalculate?
          A)     SUM and AVERAGE
          B)     MAX and LOOK
          C)     LABEL and AVERAGE
          D)     MIN and BLANK

3-How many blank worksheets are shown when a new workbook is created?
          A)     One
          B)     Two
          C)     Three
          D)     Four
4-What appears just below the range after an AutoFill command?
          A)     AutoFill Options button
          B)     AutoFill Filter buttons
          C)     AutoFill Style buttons
          D)     AutoFill Repeat button

5-After a table is created, what arrows appear with the header row labels?
          A)     Filter
          B)     Format
          C)     Print
          D)     Save
6-What command combines a range of cells into one cell that occupies the same amount of space?
          A)     Merge
          B)     Merge and Center
          C)     Center Across
          D)     Center All

7-What does the AVERAGE function calculate for a range of cells?
          A)     Mean
          B)     Sum
          C)     Median
          D)     Mode

8-Which button would provide a way to highlight lowest sales figures on a worksheet?
          A)     Format
          B)     Conditional Formatting
          C)     Top/Bottom
          D)     Cell Styles

9-Which command reverses the last action performed in the worksheet?
          A)     Cut
          B)     Undo
          C)     Redo
          D)     Paste

10-How do you insert a row?

         A) Right-click the row heading where you want to insert the                     new row and select Insert from the shortcut menu

         B) Select the row heading where you want to insert the new                    row and select Edit >Row from the menu

         C) Select the row heading where you want to insert the new                     row and click the Insert Row button on the standard toolbar

         D) All of the above
