9 : Sort:
Sorting data is simply a way
of automatically re-ordering rows on a spreadsheet to put them in a more useful
Start by selecting
the data you want to sort. It’s important to select all the columns in the
data, not just the column you want to sort by if you select one column excel
will ask you if you want to expand the selection or not as we will see now
Click ‘sort
&filter ‘
You will find three choices
You will find three choices
Sort A to Z : this is ascending
sort of data
Sort Z to A : this is descending
sort of data
Custom sort : you
can sort data by more than one level , by data or color or font color
You can also order data by ascending sort of data ( A to Z) or descending
sort of data (Z to A) or you can use ‘Custom list’ which we illustrated in
previous lesson (lesson :8)
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