lesson 18 : Excel conditional formatting (New Rule) :

After we discussed conditional formatting rules. now we will discuss how to edit and customize new rule .

First click on ’ New rule’  from conditional formatting list 

Different six rules appear in a window each one of them can be edited to make different results , we will discuss the six rules in details to know how to set your new rule in this lesson we will discuss three of them and next lesson will discuss the other

First : Format all cells based on their values :

This method is the same As we discuss before formatting data according to their value , but we can choose ‘format style ‘ ,minimum and maximum value ,type and it’s color we have also preview bar .

Second : Format only cells that contain :  

This rule format only cells that contain specific value or character  , you can format cell with its  value , specific text, dates occurring, blanks, no blanks ,errors, no errors.you can also choose format type whether font or color or borders or all of them ,

Third : Format only top or bottom ranked value :  

This method is the same As (top/bottom rules ) but you can edit it and its format 
