Excel Relative Cell Reference (lesson 22)

When we copy function from cell to another and the values (columns and rows ) used in the function changes with the copy process and  the values  change based on the relative position of rows and columns  this is called relative reference , for example :

We have to simple sequences in column 1 and column 2 , we will multiple cell a1 in cell B1 ,we will write  the function in cell c1 which will be

If we copy this function to cell c6 we notice that the values of function will change according to the change in the position (row number ) and it will be

Auto fill and Relative Cell Reference :

using auto fill process previously illustrated in Lesson 20  will also generate functions using relative cell reference .

back to the first example , if we change the position of function to another column  ex :we copy the function in c1 to cell g1 we notice that the value of columns in the function will changed to be
the columns on the left of the functions (E1 and  F1)

If we copy the function to cell G6 , both columns and rows changes according to new position and the function will be


As we saw in examples relative cell reference changes according to the position of function whether row or column  position or both of them 
