Excel Absolute cell reference: (Lesson 23)

Unlike relative references, absolute references do not change columns or rows when we copy function from one cell to another  or  using Auto fill. You can use an absolute reference to fix (constant) a row and/or column . we use dollar sign ($)we use dollar sign ($) to fix(constant) the values of row or column or both of the as we illustrated in Lesson 21 

The dollar sign in an excel cell allow you to fix either row or column or both of them on any cell reference by preceding the column or row with dollar sign , we can use it in this form :

$A2              this fix (constant) column A if you copy the cell or function to another  one or if you drag the function like we studied before in lesson 20

A$2              this fix (constant) row 2 if you copy the cell or function to another one or if you drag the function like we studied before in lesson 20

$A$2            this fix (constant) row 2 and column A

For Example :
the table in figure illustrate 4 companies (A,B,C and D) sold units in Jan ,feb and March
and the price of the units sold for each company 

we want to calculate the total revenue (quantity *price per unit ) for companies A and C 
then , we need to make the price constant for companies A and C in jan , feb and march  and let the quantity changes when month change 
so in cell B7 we will write the function
 =G2 *B3
Which is equal (the price * the quantity ) , this function calculate  the right result , But , if we auto fill the function to the right side to calculate the total revenue in Feb. and March we will get wrong results because we have to make the price (G2) constant in three months 

We will precede both column and row with dollar sign  ($) to constant the price of the unit in company A

And then auto fill Feb and March 

In the previous example we use both relative and absolute reference in cell G2 function (=$G$2 *B3)
B3        : relative cell reference changes with auto fill process
$G$2    : Absolute cell  reference doesn’t change with the auto fill process and fix (constant) the value of column and row
