Lesson 2 – A : Excel Sum Function

Lesson  2 – A : Functions  (sum )
Before we get into functions there is a very important point you have to learn , which is the name of cell , did you know that every cell in excel has its own name , yeah
The name consists of two things
First the column name which is alphabetical name
Second the row name which is numerical name
For example : the first cell in sheet is called ‘A1’
A: column name
1: row name

The figure below illustrate the naming process 

We will use the name of cells in mathematical process which FUNCTIONS did.
First we want to know what is function and how can we use it ?
Excel's preset formulas called functions. If you type in the formula, you must start with an equal sign, so Excel knows that the data in the cell is a formula. After the =, what comes next depends on what you’re trying to do
We will start with Sum , you can sum more than 2 cells in one cell by 2 ways
First : you can use sum function
=sum (a1+a2)
Second : we can use + direct
= a1+a2
The result will be the same 
& if you want to sum a1 and a2 you cant make the function in cell a1 or a2 
you have to write your function in another cell 
