Lesson 6 – B : Excel Trace formula

Lesson  6 – B : Trace formula :
We will take small  jump to the auditing formula section , you may say that it is too early to go to audit section but we will talk about one point that would help us to understand functions , which is trace formula (function) .
It is Display the relationships between formulas and cells and showing arrows that indicate the cells that affected the selected cells or affected by selected cells.

Trace formula consists of 3 things:
 Trace Precedents:
Show arrows that indicates what cells affect the value of the currently selected cells and it requires the active cell contain a formula which includes valid references

Trace Dependents
Show arrows that indicates what affect by the value of the currently selected cells

Remove Arrows:

to remove arrows dawn by  Trace Precedents and Trace Dependents

we will use tracing to help us to clarify the function in coming lessons .
