Lesson 3 – B : Excel Sum Function :again J

Lesson 3 – B : Sum  Function :again  J
We  will take an example of Sum function , i know we used it before but i think we should use known function to understand how we can use ‘insert function ‘ window 

As we see in the figure when we choose Sum function, the syntax will appear to guide us of using the function with small definition to the function

then press ok 

We have 3 ways to make sum process :
First : we can put the name of first cell in ‘Number 1’ box and second cell in ‘ number 2 ‘ box and so on . this way may be useful if we want to sum cells in different columns and rows ex : b4 and d7 

Second : we can put the pointer in’ Number1’ and type the range and seprate it with ‘:’
Ex : b3:b8

Third : click on the box on the figure below 

The select the range you want to sum by click and drag 

Then press ok to finish the process
